Sunday, July 1, 2012

Workshop for Birth Trauma in Bell County Texas

Hello there,
I am planing a workshop to heal birth trauma, if you have still trouble thinking or talking about your birth expierence this might be a good thing for you.
I am thinking about do do art work to express emotions regarding the Trauma. Thinking about listening to birth stories and also to change the point of view. Meditation will also be part of it.
I believe If we talk, express and educate ourselves a traumatic event can change.
The event itself does not but the way we look at it does.
It can help us for further pregnancies. Also sometimes there is a disconnection to your child and it can help to reconnect.
If you are getting intrested in this Workshop send me a message.
This workshop is free of charge.
Bring a can of food thats about it.
As soon a we are 3-5 women I can get started.
I would like to keep the group small cause it is an intim process.
Love to hear from you

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Doula Service Volunteer Programm for expecting Mom' s in Bell County

Dear expecting Mom' s...
I am here to serve you to have a good, confident and fearless birth expierence.
I can give you support in diffrent ways. Emotional, Informational and Educational.
I believe that every women should have a Doula before, during and after birth to serve her
I am not a medical professional and leave this to the midwifes, nurses and ob/gyn' s.
I am there to create a birth plan with you, I can help to research alternatives, I am there
to help you through the hard work of labor to cope with pain.
More information about me and my services can also be found at

For the next couple weeks I would like to offer my service for free, to every women who is expecting.

No matter when your due is, not matter if you have a home birth, a birth at a birthing center, a birth at a hospital, a planed cesarian or having a high risk pregnancy. I am there to help you to have the best emotional outcome for you and your baby.
I am serving the Bell County Area and arround.
If you like to meet me for more detailes send me an email at

Looking forward to meet you.


Thursday, June 21, 2012

My Vision for pregnant women

By reading, listening and expierence I wanna make a diffrence in the world of maternity and birth.
I wanna enpower females to find back their inner strenght and confidence in pregnancy and birth.
Cause we know by our DNA and roots what we have to do. I do not say that the medical field is useless and has no meaning, their are cases and situations when a doctor is needed.
But their is also a lot of evidence when hospital policies, doctors or other health care manager do not work for the best of mother and baby cause of policies, time and other reasons.
You as a mom have the right to get evidence based information. You have the rights to decide how you would like to give birth and where.
It is a fact that unnessesary interventions are performed every day, a lot has to d with time, hour society has no time. TIME IS MONEY! So you as a childbearing women gets thrown into that circle of policies even if there is no reason to intervent an intervention will be performend (i.e. rupture of membranes, petocin) cause you need to hurry up to give birth cause the next women is already there and waiting for your room. And there are so many other not evidence base reasons.

I believe in a one on one maternety and birth care. Where you get informed to make a decision and give a safe birth to you and your baby.
I believe every women should have a Doula a women who serves your needs beside the medical personal.
I believe every healthy women should have a midwife or two.
I believe that if we teach and focus more on the spiritual side of maternity and the blessing of birth, focus on alternatives to cope with fears of pain unstead of focusing on epidural or other pain relivers the outcome for mother and baby will be better.
Cause you and your body is made to give birth you are made to be pregnant and you have the choice.
I believe you CAN give birth.
It is not the doctor, midwife or doula who gives birth, it is YOU.
You can do it. You are a women and thousand other women have done it before.
Trust yourself and your baby.
Be a Unit.
Be one with your baby.

I am close to become a CBD, Certified Birth Doula, to help YOU with your informed birth, to help you finding alternatives to cope with labor pain, to empower you - that YOU CAN do it.

I  also started my midwifery programm, I am looking for a preceptor to gain experience in the skills as a midwife.

So well as this is my first time blogging I also would like to ad some personal information.
I am 36 years old and have 3 wonderful children. I am from Germany and was a massage therapist there, I also have a Reiki Master and studied Aromatherapy. When I came to the United States 2 years ago i found out that I had to go to school again for things I already knew and since my daughter was born in 2004 I wanted to become a midwife. My midwifes in Germany made me wanna become a midwife. But I did not had the finances. So now, here I am.
So, my native language is German, I lived in Turkey and can speak enough to get arround, I am planing to learn Spanish and yes English as well.

Please help me to improve my language skills. I am still learning. :-)